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Illustrated Professional Dictionary of Horology I + II, by G.-A. Berner

The new 2023 version of the Dictionary of Horology is currently available exclusively in digital form here.
The edition sold below dates back to 2002. The new print version can be ordered by subscription here.

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  Delivery : Between 5 to 10 days according to the country of destination.
  Prices : All net prices are in Swiss francs (CHF).
  Payment : Mastercard, Visa, American Express, PostFinance Card. Invoice (30 days) for FH Members and NIHS Subscribers.
  Return policy : Returns not accepted. Only defective products will be replaced.
  Copyrights, licence contract : The documents and files are the property of the Federation of the Swiss watch industry FH and are protected by copyrights. By accepting these terms and conditions, you are bound by contract. The downloaded files (pdf) are non revisable and limited to one identified user. You are authorized to keep only one printed copy of each electronic file. Any reproduction, even partial, translation, modification, extract or transformation into derivative products is prohibited. The resale, the granting of an interest share, the transfer of reproduction, in any shape or form, the hiring, the publication, the distribution or any other commercial exploitation of whole or part of the documents and files, in any shape or form, are also prohibited.
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